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posted by Helox Mon 19/01/2004
Sinds de veranderingen in het geld systeem met de laatste Steam update is er heel wat veranderd in het eco-en in wars, CSNation heeft een verslag geschreven met ditjes-en-datjes om eco-rondes tot een minimum te beperken.
Through the miracle of the Internet I have written this guide to provide you, the up-and-coming CAL or UGS team, with a basis of play that will constantly keep money in your pocket. The following is an approach for an amateur or new team to competitive Counter-Strike. This guide will assist you in maintaining the best economic advantage in your matches and scrims as possible. This guide will NOT, however, make you win rounds. That is up to the accuracy and skill of your team. If you do follow this format, you should have the bare minimum save rounds needed whilst maximizing firepower in your squad. This guide was created based around CAL's max rounds 12 format, and the recent changes to Counter-Strike which make save rounds, or "eco" rounds, strategically less valuable.
I've been leading nomine impunidad, my Counter-Strike team, competitively since CAL-open season 2. Entering into CAL-main season 10, you can rest assured that I've tried many, many styles and ideas of play since we began way back when. Because this is a basic guide, it focuses on excluding the AWP. Mainly this is for the reason that the AWP is a risk in modern matchplay; one misfire and the player is dead and the rounds of saving for it were useless. The AWP can be used, but its price is not accounted for in this guide.
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